Union di Ladins de Gherdëina U.L.G
Str. Rezia 83 - Cësa di Ladins
39046 Ortisei (BZ)
tel.. 0471 796 870
e-mail: info@ulg.it
C.F.: 00415580216 No. REA: BZ -94533
Our bank account at Cassa Raiffeisen Castelrotto - Ortisei:
IBAN: IT 45 D 08056 23120 000302057301
Opening hours:
mo: 9.00-12.00, 14.00-18.00
tu: 14.00-18.00
we, th, fr: 9.00-12.00
Become a member of ULG
Annual membership fee 20€
For those over 60 years 15€
Advantages of ULG members:
- you get a discount on all the publications which are sold at the ULG
- you can see all the pdf of the Calëndri de Gherdëina on this web page
- you can visit the Museum Gherdëina vor free
- you can vote the committee of the Union di Ladins de Gherdëina
Melanie Dellago
Veronika Insam
Rudi Kostner
Isabella Mussner
Moritz Peristi
Iacun Prugger
Ivan Senoner
Sara Senoner
Gloria Soppelsa
Sofia Stuflesser
Irina Thaler
Claudia Urthaler